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| Intro | | acdk::java::JavaObject | Type mapping | Compile acdk_java |

With the ACDK class acdk::java::JavaObject you can use any Java class inside C++ using the standard DMI interfaces.

Content of this chapter:

   The Hello World example
   DMI Interface

 The Hello World example

  // create a new java object
  ::acdk::java::RJavaObject jo = new ::acdk::java::JavaObject("java/lang/StringBuffer", 
                                                              (const char*)"Hello");
  // call the method append of the the java object
  jo->invoke("append", (const char*)" Java from ACDK");
  // call the method toString of the Java object
  RObject str = (RString)jo->invoke("toString");
  // get the static public member of the java object
  RObject jout = ::acdk::java::JavaObject::peek_static("java/lang/System", "out");
  // call the invoke method of the ::acdk::langObject
  // The DMI automatically dispatches the call to the 
  // corresponding Java Object
  jout->invoke("println", str);
  RObject aout = System::out;
  // Same interface works also with ACDK objects.
  aout->invoke("println", str);

 DMI Interface

The standard DMI interface works with following exceptions:

  • Object::peek_static and Object::poke_static does not map directly to the corresponding Java member.
    You can use JavaObject::peek_static or Object::invoke_static(classname, "peek_static", membername) instead.
Last modified 2005-05-08 22:30 by SYSTEM By Artefaktur, Ing. Bureau Kommer