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class Formatter

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acdk::util::logging::Formatter Class Reference

#include <Formatter.h>

Inheritance diagram for acdk::util::logging::Formatter:

acdk::util::logging::SimpleFormatter acdk::util::logging::StdFormatter acdk::util::logging::Win32DbgFormatter List of all members.

Detailed Description

same role as java.util.logging.Handler or org.apache.log4j.Appender

You have to implement at least one of the format(...) methods.

Public Member Functions

virtual RString format (IN(RLogRecord) rec)
 convert the LogRecord into a readable string

virtual void format (IN(RLogRecord) rec, IN(::acdk::io::RCharWriter) out)
 writes the LogRecord to the writer

virtual RString getHeader ()
virtual RString getFooter ()
virtual void configure (IN(RString) propnameprefix, IN(::acdk::util::RProperties) props)=0
 configure with given properties using the prefix for key names To access a custom configure value 'foo' just read it with the the prefix propnameprefix + foo

Member Function Documentation

virtual void acdk::util::logging::Formatter::configure IN(RString propnameprefix,
IN(::acdk::util::RProperties props
[pure virtual]

configure with given properties using the prefix for key names To access a custom configure value 'foo' just read it with the the prefix propnameprefix + foo

Implemented in acdk::util::logging::SimpleFormatter, and acdk::util::logging::StdFormatter.

virtual void acdk::util::logging::Formatter::format IN(RLogRecord rec,
IN(::acdk::io::RCharWriter out
[inline, virtual]

writes the LogRecord to the writer

virtual RString acdk::util::logging::Formatter::format IN(RLogRecord rec  )  [inline, virtual]

convert the LogRecord into a readable string

Reimplemented in acdk::util::logging::SimpleFormatter, and acdk::util::logging::StdFormatter.

virtual RString acdk::util::logging::Formatter::getFooter  )  [inline, virtual]

virtual RString acdk::util::logging::Formatter::getHeader  )  [inline, virtual]

Last modified 2005-05-08 18:33 by SYSTEM By Artefaktur, Ing. Bureau Kommer